Thursday, September 08, 2005

Away from Home

9/8 - Tuesday when I left Austin, I left with some of the first good news I had heard in a week - my parents and sister had gone to Texas A&M and were able to enroll her in classes and get a dorm room - she was going to get to start her college career after all! I was so proud of my little sis! Only to find out the next day when I talked to my parents that she was miserable there and it was just too big, and too much to handle right now with all the other emotional stress going on with the Katrina disaster - she wanted to be closer to her family. I can't blame her, but I still think it would be the best thing for her right now to try to stick it out. My parents were an emotional wreck because they felt they had abandoned her, so they're ready to go right back and pick her up. I tried to convince my mother to give it time, and these were normal feelings of letting go of a child as they go off to college (something they never had to go through with me), and that everything was compounded with the emotional stress of losing our house, belongings, etc. But the long and short of it is I'm not her parents and I'm not her - I just wanted what I think is best for her. So frustrating. And Sorry Mom, Dad and Donna if you didn't want all this broadcast to everyone, but I'm over here in Germany without the means to really talk to anyone about this, so this is my outlet.


At 9/08/2005 12:53 PM, Blogger Chad said...

I was completely depressed my first week of college. It's gotta be hard to say whether this is normal leaving home stuff or Katrina related.

At 9/09/2005 10:20 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

A&M is quite big...I had a whole summer to get used to the idea before I started, and it was still a little overwhelming when I got there (even though I'd been there before to visit). I bet it was quite a shock to just show up one day and start.


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